LABPP BIM Master is a convenient multifunctional multi-window tool for analyzing and modifying data in ARCHICAD projects.

It is also used as a debugger for LABPP_Automat program modules.

This module is an integral part of all LABPP applications in ARCHICAD.

So using any LABPP program you can call this BIM Master by pressing "Ctrl+Shift+F9".

Any construction object is a complex system.

In addition to the object itself, its design and construction bring to work additional elements from related areas of knowledge and requirements for them.

In such conditions, the mere enumeration of the BIM model components becomes a separate work.

Automation in this area is a reasonable tool in solving problems of quality and various kinds of optimization.

A powerful modern design tool based on BIM technology (Building Informatin Modelling) such as ARCHICAD allows you to make the work of the designer progressive.

Without such a tool, today it is simply impossible to comply with the requirements and create projects.

At the same time, building a correct digital information model of a building is a separate labor-intensive and creative work.

The quality of the BIM directly affects the effectiveness of the actions of designers, IT specialists and builders in order to achieve the productivity of their activities and complete satisfaction of customer requirements.

A number of seemingly simple requirements are imposed on the BIM model.

This is consistency, the absence of errors, the accuracy of the description of the construction object, the correct provision of reports and the drawing of drawings, and much more.

However, at the first approximation, such mutually exclusive requirements as the completeness of the description of the model and the limitation in labor costs for its formation come to the surface, on the other hand, this is a large amount of information and requirements for the speed of data processing.

Thus, applications are required that, with their own minimum complexity, should give the maximum effect from their application.

One of the effective tools in working with BIM is the LABPP BIM Master tool.

It allows you to quickly navigate the model, operate with the properties of elements, draw conclusions about the causes of errors and correct them immediately.

Built-in C++ code runners for ARCHICAD automate these and other processes.

BIM Master is built into the core of LabPP_Automat - already successfully tested in the design of the largest building projects - from skyscrapers to industrial giants.

It solves many, many difficulties - from the correct ordering of text fields to the construction of various statements and reports and integration with other software.

Therefore, the study and effective use of the LABPP BIM Master tool is the right solution for problems in the field of BIM modeling.