You can create a large number of variables with names that are formed as text strings.

For example, in a loop, create variables from "var_1_1_1" to "var_100_100_100".

Convenient for forming n-dimensional arrays, etc.

You can then access variables directly:

s = var_67_45_34;

Or assign

var_34_23_23 = "value for 34_23_23";

And you can also assign values ​​to a variable whose name is formed on the fly in the line:

for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++)


       for (j = 1; j <= 100; j++)


               for (k = 1; k <= 100; k++)


                       var_by_txt("set", "var_"+itoa(i)+"_"+itoa(j)+"_"+ itoa(k), 

"value for variable " + itoa(i) + "_" + itoa(j) + "_" + itoa(k));


