Add a column to the table. Columns can be string or numeric.


ts_table(int descriptor, "add_column", int columnnumber, string columntype, string columnname);


descriptor - instance descriptor of the table object to which the column is added.

columnnumber - column number (you can set -1 for the program to create the number itself).

columntype - type of values ​​in the column ("string", "int", "double", "bool").

columnname - name (title) of the column.

Example to add text column #0:

ts_table(TableDescr1, "add_column",0,"string","material code + unit.");

Example to add a numeric column with a calculated number based on the value of the variable № = i + 3

ts_table(TableDescr1, "add_column", i+3, "double", szonename);