Create a button with a text label on the configuration dialog panel.


ac_request("create_button", string button_caption, int start_x, int start_y, int width, int height, string tooltip, string name_cpp);


ac_request("create_button", string button_caption, int start_x, int start_y, int width, int height, string tooltip, string name_cpp, int iarg, double darg, string sarg);


button_caption - label on the button;

start_x, start_y - coordinates of the upper-left corner of the button on the dialog panel;

width, height - width and height of the button;

tooltip - a tooltip that will appear when the mouse hovers over the button;

name_cpp - the name of the program file (from the tsprg directory).

iarg, darg and sarg are an integer, a floating point number and a string - parameters that will be passed to the program module when running on this button. To get the parameters in the called module, you can use the run_cpp("get_args") command... :

int iArg1;

double dArg2;

string sArg3;

run_cpp("get_args", iArg1, dArg2, sArg3);