the ac_request() function with the "editdoubledialog" directive calls a dialog for entering a floating point number.


int res = ac_request("editdoubledialog", string smessage, string sstartvalue);


int res = ac_request("editdoubledialog", string smessage, double dstartvalue);


smessage - the message in the title of the dialog panel, sstartvalue or dstartvalue - the number that is substituted by default in the dialog edit line.

Returns 0 if the user refused input (pressed the "Cancel" button, pressed the button with a cross on the dialog frame or the "Esc" key on the keyboard).


Get the distance between elements from the user. The default suggest value is 20.

int res = ac_request("editdoubledialog","Enter distance between elements (m)","20");