Write the contents of the table to the table element of the dialog using the advanced filter.

The example shows how to copy from the iTable table to the tabular dialog element (iListBox) all records from the beginning to the end of the table, taking into account the filter - in the column called "Column1" the value is "WALL", the value in the column "Column2" contains "3", the column "Column 3" contains anywhere "B22" or "B22" (B - either in Russian or in English) and in the column "Column 4" a number greater than or equal to 2.

int startrow = 0;
bool stoponfirstnoteq = false;
int maxrows = -1;

ts_table(iTable, "add_rows_from_eq_table_by_extended_filter", iListBox, startrow, stoponfirstnoteq, maxrows,
"(", "ANY", "Column1", "=", "WALL", "", "AND",
"" , "ANY", "Column2", "CONTAINS", "3", "", "AND",
"" , "ANY", "Column3", "REGEXMATCH", ".*[BВ]22.*", "", "AND",
"", "ANY", "Column4", ">=", 2, ")" );


iTable - descriptor of the table from which rows will be copied to the table element of the dialog;

int startrow - index of the row from which to start copying;

int maxrows - number of rows (-1 - all rows up to the end of the table);

bool bstoponfirstnoteq - stop at the first non-match of the string with the filter condition.