Load a given list of ARCHICAD elements under given conditions


ac_request("load_elements_list",int iListNum,string sElemTypeName,"MainFilter",int iMainFilterValue,string filterparametrname, string/double filterparametervalue,...);


iListNum - number of the internal list of elements (from 0...9).

sElemTypeName - element type name. If you need to select any elements - "ZombieElemType", if only columns, then "ColumnType", walls - "WallType", etc.

"MainFilter" - tells us that we are setting parameters for filtering elements by type of accessibility for editing, visibility, etc. iMainFilterValue - usually the value for visible and editable elements is 3.

Next are the names of the parameters and their values ​​for additional selection.

For example, "ID","ID Value" - means that you need to select elements with ID="ID Value", etc.

The "MainFilter" filter may or may not be specified. This is equivalent to writing "MainFilter",0.

Those. when forming the list, all suitable elements in the project will be included in it without taking into account the main criterion.

The filter value is collected by a formula.

MainFilterValue=j1+2*j2+4*j3+8*j4+16*J5+32*j6+64*j7+128*j8+256*j9+512*j10+1024*j11+2048*j12+4096* j13+268435456*j14,

where each j can be 0 or 1.

j1: editable only.

j2: on the visible layer.

j3: on the current floor

j4: has a representation in the 3d window

j5: in my workspace

j6: not subordinates but only independent elements

j7: in active drawing

j8: Displayed inside the clipped portion of the drawing database

j9: Indicates whether this element was passed a change ID in the variationID parameter

j10: element has permissions

j11: element visible in renovation

j12: additional flag; checks if the element's attributes are overridden by the current update filter

j13: additional flag; checks the visibility of an element based on the current structure display setting

j14: only from 2d window