Rotate the point relative to the specified center by the specified angle, move the rotation center to the specified distance, and place the point at a distance, taking into account scaling.


ac_request("geometry_calc_2d","rotate_point_and_move",double centerXfrom, double centerYfrom,double pXfrom,double pYfrom, double alpha_rad, double scale centerXto, double centerYto,double,double &pXres, double& pYres);

centerXfrom, centerYfrom - initial coordinates of the center of rotation,

pXfrom, pYfrom - initial point coordinates,

alpha_rad - point rotation angle around the center,

centerXto, centerYto - new coordinates of the center of rotation,

scale - scale in the range ]0,1],

Result - pXres, PYres - new point coordinates.