Find a row in the table using the advanced filter.

The example shows how to find a row in an iTable that has the value "WALL" in the column named "Column1", the value in the column "Column2" contains "3", the column "Column3" contains "B22" or " В22" (В - either in Russian or in English) and in the column "Column 4" a number greater than or equal to 2.

bool stoponfirstnoteq = false;

bool add_sum = false;

int ires = ts_table(iTable, "search_extended",
"(", "ANY", "Column1", "=", "WALL", "", "AND",
"" , "ANY", "Column2", "CONTAINS", "3", "", "AND",
"" , "ANY", "Column3", "REGEXMATCH", ".*[BВ]22.*", "", "AND",
"", "ANY", "Column4", ">=", 2, ")" );


iTable - table descriptor in which to find the row;

Returns -1 if the string is not found, or the index of the found string (>=0).